Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Over a week this time

OK, but I have an excuse...my baby girl Aashaa has been born. 8 lbs and 5 ounces of pure joy. Now I know what life is really all about. All praises due to the most high. I am flabbergasted by this miracle. I am looking forward to kids' movies, piano lessons/recitals, girls basketball/volleyball/tennis/field hockey whatever baby girl wants to do (except hip hop video girl).
It definitely gives a man a different perspective on the sanctity of womanhood. Now my mission is to protect her from animalistic buffons like myself. I'll let her start dating when she's 31. Maybe I'll let her go to Public school through elementary but after that charter or private. These middle school kids these days...well let's just say that we need another miracle from the most high performed on them. Perhaps I'll ramble about the ills of public education next time.
Baby Aashaa is here! God is good! life is good!

Monday, November 17, 2008

It's been another week

This is a very personal journal so far but that's o.k. because that's the first step in the natural progression of writing. I haven't decided how I want to blast this blog out to people yet. I have a few ideas, it should be interesting.
Right now the big thing in my life is impending fatherhood. I am expecting the arrival of a beautiful baby girl in the next week. It is very exciting and sobering all at once. It's a little strange though because I have a zen like calm about it. I know it will be challenging but I am confident that I can handle the tasks at hand. I think that's all because if I dwell on the miraculous nature of what's about to go down too much...it can only be overwhelming. I think it's natural that a certain mental balance comes into play psychologically. Is it an adaptive trait?
No matter what, I'm still gonna be a cool dad who plays old hip hop records for his daughter and makes her write essays on the social impact of public enemy's music revisted in a postmodern hip hop universe.

OK, you may not think that's too cool at first..but you will thank me for it later baby girl.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Its been a week

I am just now writing about arguably the most important event in African American history.
I have no real excuse....I just haven't gotten around to it
How do I feel about it?

The most important thing about it is the impact that it will have on urban youth culture and their vision of who they are capable of becoming (besides Scarface). That alone is enough to make him way more than worth than while in my book.

Add to that his vision for a green economy, expanded healthcare and positive diplomacy and I think you have a winning formula.

He will not pull it off overnight though, there is indeed much work to do but at least now there is a plan to dig us out of the hole we're in.