Friday, October 31, 2008

The Historical evidence for Jesus (It's all about faith)

Watching Zeitgest

If you haven't seen Zeitgest
I must warn those of you who share the Christian faith, it will make you ask serious questions about the true nature of our religion. I'll not spoil it for you, except to say that the film poses serious questions about whether Jesus existed or not. It goes into detail about how none of the well known historians at that time made any mention of him. Naturally, as a believer who is also prone toward scientific/historical research and investigation, I looked more deeply into this matter. Some of the quotations on this page point toward an objective verification of Jesus' existence:
Particularly, there is a quote from Flavius Joseph 37 -97 AD that most non-objectively speaks of the existence of Jesus:

"At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good and he was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders." (Arabic translation)

(Many of the other examples on this site are not as strong from a scientific perspective in the sense that many of the accounts were written by biased (Christian) historians who were simply retelling and reverberating the stories and tenants of their faith.)

A link with a little bit more ammo for the Christ advocate is Linkhere:

It makes reference to a Roman Tacitus who was an unbiased Roman historian that spoke of Jesus. It also speaks of the Talmud's reference to the crucifixion. It also speaks of the violence and destruction of most of Israel in 70 A.D. and how this would mean many of Jesus eyewitnesses would have been killed. This is all a little more solid to me.

It's one thing to argue about the theological or spiritual significance of Jesus...even when challenged from the existential perspective, Jesus can be presented as the manifestation of God through the Holy Spirit.... in other words, a true and living God accomplishing, living and defining his true essence (perfect love) through sacrificial crucifixion and resurrection. However, if the plain and simple question of whether or not Jesus existed is put forth, and someone wants you to prove it scientifically through factual historical evidence, theological spiritual and philosophical arguments are obsolete at that point and there must be demonstrative evidence put forth to establish that Jesus existed in the first place. Since I am not Indiana Jones, I do not have a direct answer that I can put forth, but I would appreciate feedback from believers and non-believers alike. This is the scientist in me speaking.

The Christian in me says that Jesus is alive in the hearts of believers through the power of the Holy Spirit and as Paul says "now we only know in part". I choose to believe Jesus exists, saves and empowers through the faith that God activates in my soul.

This of course makes me think of Neo in the Matrix ("because I choose too"). Faith is something that has to be activated and as it is activated the mysteries of God are revealed to those who would seek after them. In other words, I can't prove Jesus existed but Faith is the evidence of things unseen and the substance of things hoped for so it is fitting that Jesus, being the manifestation of our faith would fit such a description himself.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Late Ashley Todd Not Update

This is because I promised to update the blog as the story progressed: good summary from Atlanta Journal Constitution writer, Jay Bookman.
Anyway, It's funny how this story came up on the radar and dissappeared from it so quickly. Then there was the Neo - Nazi skinheads threatening to kill and decapitate black people. It seems that some white folks are having trouble adjusting to the situation.

Calm down

(Educating Youth) Show them the money

As an urban middle school/high school teacher, I have become alternately discouraged and inspired by the interactions I have had with students. The order of the day with the current generation is the veneration of the gangster image. Anything that is about making fast money with a swaggering disrespect for any authority or tradition, is what a good portion of trend - setters in this age group are about. Since it is all too obvious, I will spare any pontification on the demise of popular rap music (which is no longer hip-hop) and the responsibility of high profile celebrities to engage their village (to raise a child) responsibility in addressing this issue.
I will say that I am endorsing Obama for president, in large part, because of his holistic vision and understanding of how our society functions best when we nurture growth and opportunity from the bottom up. I am not particularly averse to McCain but as far as I can tell, he offers more of the same trickle down pimpology I alluded to in another post. Obama, on the other hand, offers a new philosophy wherein the economic opportunity that opens up for middle income careers is prioritized and works hand in hand with a teacher like myself encouraging students to study science because (for example) of the imminent explosion of the green economy. Obama has spoken with more force and clarity on this issue, promising to create 5 million jobs. McCain on the other hand seems to still be tethered to the GOP's oil industry-albatross as he assertively and stubbornly demands more offshore drilling. This distinction highlights the differences in their visions for the future.
I can say, although I am still relatively new in this career field, that students respond to realistic projections about where they can go with their future, not worn out cliches and abstractions about the "value of an education". If you show them the money, and work dilligently to build their vision and the substance to sustain them on their journey, then they have a chance to get fired up and ready to work in the new economy.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Acorn issue overhyped

An excellent post from the number one soul sista of political strategy, Donna Brazille:

This spells out in more eloquent detail what I spoke on in an earlier post (Mickey Mouse can't vote).

Voting irregularities start

Be vigilant and get ready for a real fight. Don't drink the poll kool-aid. Expect struggle and controversy:

Observing the manner of this (real) voter suppression illustrates the innocuous nature of the Acorn activity. Somehow I don't see O'Reilly getting amped up about this. It is my prediction that this won't be over on November 5th. There will be intense emotions and post electoral challenges no matter what happens.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Attack in Pittsburgh on Ashley Todd

When I saw this story this morning it immediately smelled of a hoax.

1. The backwards B: very amateur

2. Let me get this straight...I'm a mugger, I rob you (in what I found out later is one of the whitest parts of Pittsburgh at 9 pm)..I am a black male, I look at your car and say "Oh snap..This biznitch be havin a McCain bumper sticker I'mo havta whoop dat ass" So I stay in this white area to make a political point instead of fleeing..risking incarceration? Chappelle couldn't have come up with something that good

3. The black eye is makeup..the discoloration is off

4. Even MICHELLE MALKIN is calling it a hoax..

5. Will this woman apologize to Black Males, Obama, and McCain Palin after this hoax is exposed?

Amateur, race-baiting loser
More updates on this as the story progresses

Thursday, October 23, 2008

GOP Pimpology: The trickle down game

An article talking about the rise in the working poor.

The simplicity of the formula: Grow an economy from the ground up...Consumer spending makes up 2/3 of the nation's economy.

The GOP runs the same game again and again: Exploit the deeply rooted Puritan work values in American culture that brainwash people into thinking that government investment into wealth (job) creation for the aggregate is akin to Godless communism.

The American "Joe the Plumbers" are so hypnotized by this distorted presentation of a patriotic work ethic that they/we (like an abused prostitute) keep going back to the Pimp (Republican culture warriors) to get more game spit in our ears. Why? Maybe this cultural, historical narrative gives us an identity and makes us solidify a little more our confidence in who (we think) we are.

I pray that we are wising up to this game. And we don't fall for the trickle down argument. We are supposed to trust the aristocrats to trickle down jobs to us when they pay less taxes, but that's an outdated model (if it ever worked in the first place) now, in this era of high tech job displacement and outsourcing for dirt cheap labor.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chocolate News, what happened to hip hop?

David Alan Grier, Lamenting on the demise of Hip Hop:

My take? It's not dead yet, get ready for a massive resurrection.
(Much) more on this topic in future posts.

death threats to Acorn

This is why I felt the need to get up and write about these things:

The undercurrent of institutionalized racism and its associated violence is becoming stronger as this election goes on but the good news is that the polls show it won't make any difference in the outcome (Obama victory), of course that is with all things held equal (no real voter fraud by the GOP).

Monday, October 20, 2008


Redistribution of the wealth....ok I'm good with that..

I mean really, what's so bad about socialism? The "S" word...For those out there who think it's so terrible...for a moment, imagine a society with no paved roads, no police force, no Food and Drug Administration, no water treatment plants, no Fire departments, no military, no garbage collection, no stoplights, no schools or teachers, no health care (ok bad example) ummm, no Federal Aviation Board.

I think you get the point.

And for all my (right wing) Christian brothers and sisters, notice the similar root in all of these words:

Heaven forbid we should all commune, and communicate in the spirit of communion for the sake of building community.

Before you call me a communist or socialist though, stop. I would call myself a guerrilla capitalist. This is a term coined by none other than Ice T. Modern day Robin Hood philosophy...only we're not robbing the rich, we're taking back what's rightfully ours.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Memo to Acorn haters: Mickey Mouse is not real

Well, I have been waiting to start blogging for a minute. I live in Austin, so I procrastinate a's just the nature of how things go here. At any rate, after all this time, I have finally decided to get off my tail and start typing in the wake of this Acorn "controversy". I have found my inspiration.

Little gets me heated more in the political spectrum than the topic of voter disenfranchisement. After living through two elections of the most egregious, unpatriotic and racist voter suppression in modern history (Florida 00 and Ohio 04) the Republicans are now crying foul on Acorn, claiming that their fraudulent registration process will sway the election. Those with a trained eye will see this for what it is: A smokescreen to hide the GOP's truly fraudulent activity some of it well summarized in this interview with RFK Jr.:

The Acorn controversy is a sham quite simply because Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (examples of fraudulent Acorn registrations) cannot vote. They have no chance of swaying the election. The only fraud that took place was Acorn's workers defrauding the organization, so in a sense, Acorn is the victim in this story. Indeed, Acorn has responded:

ACORN, which claims to have registered 1.3 million people nationwide since 2007, says that any fraudulent voting registrations have more to do with canvassers making up fake applications to get better commissions than a concerted effort to influence the outcome of the election.

This is an excerpt and link from and article which "onionizes" this registration of imaginary character issue:

In Cleveland, Ohio Republican officials complained to the Federal Election Commission after early-voting sites barred observers when thousands of Invisible-Ohioans arrived at the polls aboard hundreds of invisible ACORN buses. In Ida Grove, Iowa, Ida County Registrar Debby Ballard expressed concern when a convoy of Chicago ACORN semis submitted 4,000,000 provisional ballots, 17 seconds before a 5 pm deadline.

On the real side, I won't be available to travel to swing states during the next couple of weeks as I am expecting my first child but I would encourage any who can, to travel to Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado and Nevada to work at the polls. Here is a link to sign up as a pollworker: