Thursday, October 23, 2008

GOP Pimpology: The trickle down game

An article talking about the rise in the working poor.

The simplicity of the formula: Grow an economy from the ground up...Consumer spending makes up 2/3 of the nation's economy.

The GOP runs the same game again and again: Exploit the deeply rooted Puritan work values in American culture that brainwash people into thinking that government investment into wealth (job) creation for the aggregate is akin to Godless communism.

The American "Joe the Plumbers" are so hypnotized by this distorted presentation of a patriotic work ethic that they/we (like an abused prostitute) keep going back to the Pimp (Republican culture warriors) to get more game spit in our ears. Why? Maybe this cultural, historical narrative gives us an identity and makes us solidify a little more our confidence in who (we think) we are.

I pray that we are wising up to this game. And we don't fall for the trickle down argument. We are supposed to trust the aristocrats to trickle down jobs to us when they pay less taxes, but that's an outdated model (if it ever worked in the first place) now, in this era of high tech job displacement and outsourcing for dirt cheap labor.

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