Sunday, October 19, 2008

Memo to Acorn haters: Mickey Mouse is not real

Well, I have been waiting to start blogging for a minute. I live in Austin, so I procrastinate a's just the nature of how things go here. At any rate, after all this time, I have finally decided to get off my tail and start typing in the wake of this Acorn "controversy". I have found my inspiration.

Little gets me heated more in the political spectrum than the topic of voter disenfranchisement. After living through two elections of the most egregious, unpatriotic and racist voter suppression in modern history (Florida 00 and Ohio 04) the Republicans are now crying foul on Acorn, claiming that their fraudulent registration process will sway the election. Those with a trained eye will see this for what it is: A smokescreen to hide the GOP's truly fraudulent activity some of it well summarized in this interview with RFK Jr.:

The Acorn controversy is a sham quite simply because Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (examples of fraudulent Acorn registrations) cannot vote. They have no chance of swaying the election. The only fraud that took place was Acorn's workers defrauding the organization, so in a sense, Acorn is the victim in this story. Indeed, Acorn has responded:

ACORN, which claims to have registered 1.3 million people nationwide since 2007, says that any fraudulent voting registrations have more to do with canvassers making up fake applications to get better commissions than a concerted effort to influence the outcome of the election.

This is an excerpt and link from and article which "onionizes" this registration of imaginary character issue:

In Cleveland, Ohio Republican officials complained to the Federal Election Commission after early-voting sites barred observers when thousands of Invisible-Ohioans arrived at the polls aboard hundreds of invisible ACORN buses. In Ida Grove, Iowa, Ida County Registrar Debby Ballard expressed concern when a convoy of Chicago ACORN semis submitted 4,000,000 provisional ballots, 17 seconds before a 5 pm deadline.

On the real side, I won't be available to travel to swing states during the next couple of weeks as I am expecting my first child but I would encourage any who can, to travel to Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado and Nevada to work at the polls. Here is a link to sign up as a pollworker:

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